City of Lander’s Shane White Celebrates 20 Years of Service Award

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Shane White Service Award

 Shane White, City of Lander Water Treatment Plant Charge Operator/Supervisor, has been honored by Wyoming Water Quality and Pollution Control Association to acknowledge his 20 years of dedicated service. This award, symbolized by an honorary paddle, reflects White’s commitment to ensuring the health and safety of the community through efficient management of the water treatment plant. Having served the City of Lander for 24 years, Shane White's journey has been marked by a diverse array of roles, including reading meters, working distribution and collection. His extensive experience and expertise have played a pivotal role in maintaining the City's water quality standards and infrastructure at the water treatment plant for the past 17 years. The Wyoming Water Quality and Pollution Control Association, recognizing the significance of continuous learning, provides water and wastewater operators like Shane White with valuable training opportunities across the state. This organization places a strong emphasis on technical training and continuing education hours to support certification maintenance and facilitate career advancement within the water management sector. Shane White's commendable achievement not only highlights his individual dedication but also underscores the City of Lander's ongoing commitment to excellence in water stewardship. As we celebrate his two decades of service, we recognize the vital role he has played in safeguarding the community's water resources and ensuring a sustainable and healthy environment for all residents.